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Get video




This endpoint can be used for fetching data for an individual YouTube video.


Additional guidance for using the url parameter



A number of the fields this endpoint returns are nullable. In practice, the values for category, duration, isFamilySafe, viewCount, likeCount, and commentCount are almost always available in the response, but because their existence isn’t strictly guaranteed, the possibility for a null value exists.

If an invalid video ID or URL is provided, a 404 Not Found error response will be returned.


Below are example requests for getting the data for the YouTube video with an ID of ENtxJcI5Ll4 and a URL of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENtxJcI5Ll4.

Approach #1: Pass in the video ID as the id parameter:

curl -X GET 
-H "API-Key: your-api-key" 
-H "API-Secret: your-api-secret" 

Approach #2: Pass in the UTF-8 encoded video URL as the url parameter:

curl -X GET 
-H "API-Key: your-api-key" 
-H "API-Secret: your-api-secret" 


The two approaches above both yield this same result:

	"id": "ENtxJcI5Ll4",
	"title": "Apple WWDC 2023 keynote in 26 minutes",
	"publishedAt": "2023-06-05",
	"description": "Apple just finished up its annual Worldwide Developers Conference keynote, where it made some of the biggest announcements it’s ever made at the event, including its Vision Pro mixed reality headset and a bigger 15-inch MacBook Air. Plus, the Mac Studio and Mac Pro get an upgrade with a more powerful M2 Ultra chip. We also got a look at new updates for iOS and iPadOS, including interactive widgets. Here’s everything you missed. #Apple #WWDC #Technology\n\nRead more: https://trib.al/6fqFRDg\n\n00:00 Intro\n02:04 15" Macbook Air\n01:10 Mac Studio M2 Max M2 Ultra\n02:39 Mac Pro with Apple Silicon\n03:19  Prices\n03:30 IOS 17\n04:36 Check In\n05:04 Plus Button and Stickers\n05:38 Airdrop\n06:16 Autocorrect\n06:50 Journal App\n07:28 Standby\n08:18 Siri\n08:48 iPad OS 17\n10:30 iPad PDF collaboration\n11:01 MacOS Sonoma\n12:02 Gaming (Death Stranding)\n12:28 Video Conferencing\n13:10 Safari WebKit\n14:28 Adaptive Audio\n14:52 AirPlay in Hotels\n15:10 Shareplay to Cars\n15:25 watchOS 10\n16:08 Apple Vision Pro\n17:40 Vision Pro EyeSight\n18:31 VisionPro FaceTime\n20:40 Vision Pro Hardware\n23:46 VisionOS\n24:51 Reality Composer Pro\n25:14 Optic ID\n25:38 Vision Pro Price and release\n\nSubscribe: http://goo.gl/G5RXGs\nLike The Verge on Facebook: https://goo.gl/2P1aGc\nFollow on Twitter: https://goo.gl/XTWX61\nFollow on Instagram: https://goo.gl/7ZeLvX\nFollow on TikTok: http://bit.ly/42VeCVU\n\nThe Vergecast Podcast: https://pod.link/430333725\nDecoder with Nilay Patel: http://apple.co/3v29nDc \nMore about our podcasts: https://www.theverge.com/podcasts\n\nRead More: http://www.theverge.com\nCommunity guidelines: http://bit.ly/2D0hlAv\nWallpapers from The Verge: https://bit.ly/2xQXYJr\n\nSubscribe to The Vergecast on YouTube, new episodes on Wednesday and Friday: https://bit.ly/3I6nJtz",
	"thumbnails": [
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			"width": 168,
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	"channelId": "UCddiUEpeqJcYeBxX1IVBKvQ",
	"channelTitle": "The Verge",
	"chapters": [
			"timestamp": "0:00:00",
			"text": "Into and Course Overview",
			"seconds": 0
			"timestamp": "0:02:08",
			"text": "Downloading Project Code",
			"seconds": 128
			"timestamp": "0:03:19",
			"text": "Setting Up the Project",
			"seconds": 199
		// etc.
	"tags": [
		"Apple wwdc",
		"apple headset",
		"apple wwdc 2023",
		"wwdc 2023",
		"Worldwide Developer Conference",
		"Worldwide Developer Conference keynote",
		"wwdc highlights",
		"wwdc news",
		"apple new headset",
		"apple reality pro",
		"apple mixed reality headset",
		"macbook air",
		"ios 17",
		"ios 17 top features",
		"apple vr headset",
		"apple vr",
		"apple event",
		"ios 16",
		"ios 17 features",
		"ipados 17",
		"apple ar",
		"apple ar headset",
		"macos 14",
		"apple leaks",
		"apple watch",
		"apple news",
		"wwdc 23",
		"the verge",
	"category": "Science & Technology",
	"duration": 1559,
	"isFamilySafe": true,
	"viewCount": 669335,
	"likeCount": 9097,
	"commentCount": 684,
	"transcript": [
			"transcription": "welcome to WWDC introducing the 15-inch",
			"attributes": {
				"start": "0",
				"dur": "7.44"
			"transcription": "MacBook Air it's only 11.5 millimeters",
			"attributes": {
				"start": "4.2",
				"dur": "5.7"
			"transcription": "thin making it the world's thinnest",
			"attributes": {
				"start": "7.44",
				"dur": "5.88"
			"transcription": "15-inch laptop and it's easy to carry",
			"attributes": {
				"start": "9.9",
				"dur": "6.06"
		// etc.