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Get channel


This endpoint can be used for fetching data for an individual YouTube channel.




A number of the fields this endpoint returns are nullable. In practice, these values are almost always available in the response, but because their existence isn’t strictly guaranteed, the possibility for a null value exists.

If the channel does not exist, a 404 Not Found error response will be returned.


Below is an example request for getting the data for the YouTube channel with an ID of UCddiUEpeqJcYeBxX1IVBKvQ.

curl -X GET 
-H "API-Key: your-api-key" 
-H "API-Secret: your-api-secret" 


	"id": "UCddiUEpeqJcYeBxX1IVBKvQ",
	"title": "The Verge",
	"canonicalChannelUrl": "http://www.youtube.com/@TheVerge",
	"description": "Welcome to the YouTube channel for TheVerge.com, a team of journalists that examines how technology will change life in the future. Subscribe for explainers, product reviews, technology news, and more.\n\nExecutive Producer: Eleanor Donovan\nSupervising Director: Vjeran Pavic \nSenior Producer: Becca Farsace\nVideo Producer, Special Projects:  Victoria Barrios\nVideo Directors: Jasmine Lewis, Owen Grove\nSenior Audio Engineer: Andrew Marino\nArt Director: Alex Parkin\nEngagement: Denise Cervantes\nDirector of Audience Development: Ruben Salvadori\n\n",
	"thumbnails": [
			"url": "https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/lVEb1IUc9D8dZSQF4l8IlBWGjr636qaDHfMbzud0uv_LxdhiMeHtsuvUcSvJa86pWzJd9MCUeQ=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj",
			"width": 176,
			"height": 176
			"url": "https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/lVEb1IUc9D8dZSQF4l8IlBWGjr636qaDHfMbzud0uv_LxdhiMeHtsuvUcSvJa86pWzJd9MCUeQ=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj",
			"width": 88,
			"height": 88
			"url": "https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/lVEb1IUc9D8dZSQF4l8IlBWGjr636qaDHfMbzud0uv_LxdhiMeHtsuvUcSvJa86pWzJd9MCUeQ=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj",
			"width": 48,
			"height": 48
	"subscribers": "3.32M subscribers",
	"videoCount": "4.3K videos",
	"viewCount": 1004991616,
	"joinedDate": "Joined Aug 8, 2006",
	"country": "United States",
	"isFamilySafe": true,
	"tags": [
		"The Verge",
	"availableCountries": [
		// etc.